Changing w/The Seasons

Often, we find ourselves in relationships or friendships and think I wish this could last forever. The only problem with this is that most people and things in our lives don’t last forever. We could lose the relationship or friendship to multiple reasons. Whether that is because someone moved, we lose connection because life happens, and we begin building families or our careers begin to flourish and take more of our time or most tragically relationships or friendships come to an end due to a death. Whatever the reason we tend to learn the hard way that nothing lasts forever and we have to learn how and when to change when the season in our life changes.

Let me start off by saying that I know how difficult it is to change with the seasons of life. Although it is not always easy, it is necessary. It is necessary not only for our own growth and development, but it could be crucial to the growth and development of others. There are times in our lives where change will happen when we less expect it. Life is going amazing and BOOM!!! I recently experienced a change in my life that hit me out of nowhere! When I first heard the news of this change, I was sad, hurt, and my heart became heavy. Then those feelings of sadness became feelings of frustration and anger. They became questions of why this way? Well after a few days of processing through the events that were taking place I began to feel peace. The bible tells us in Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Joy and happiness begin to take the place of sadness and frustration. The Lord began to allow me to move past my own selfish desires and open my eyes to the bigger picture. The bigger picture of the change that was happening in my life and that happens in my life is not always about me. Changes can happen due to God ‘s favor and His moving in someone else’s life to promote and increase them. That’s right, there are things that will happen in our lives that we may feel the impact of, but those things happened to us or through us that is for the benefit of others. This requires us to learn to navigate the change that occurs and get an understanding of how to appropriately assess the change(s). This also requires maturity and letting go of selfishness. Changing with the seasons could be a time of sadness and maybe even a time of anger, but once you are able to sit through and process those feelings then you can see that changes could be a time of happiness and new beginning. Changing with the seasons could be a time to let our lights continue to grow. This allows us to continue to become the light we were created to be.   


Being The Light for You


Become The Blessing