Being The Light for You

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been talking about how to be the light that others need, but the most important light that we need to be is the light for ourselves. What does being the light for yourself look like? It looks like doing what’s best for yourself. That means mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically.

I’m a firm believer that to be the best for others you have to be the best for yourself. For me to be the best wife, mother, sister, friend, mentor, etc. I must first be the best version of myself that I can be. That means pouring into myself. Learning who I am and who I’m becoming and who I have been called to be. A little secret about me…I’ve never been a big reader. At least not for pleasure. I would only read when it was required. You know like the requirements for work or school. Only when it was necessary. Over the past few months, I’ve found myself reading more and more even to the point where I don’t want to put the books down. I’ve gotten to the place where I’m saying, just one more chapter. WHOA!!! Who would have thought!! Me!!! Reading for pleasure!! I bring up reading because reading has become a way that I pour into myself. Reading is helping me become the best me. As I am reading, I am learning and growing. Now reading is just one example of how to pour into yourself. I also get up really early in the morning to quiet and alone time with the Lord and for me to plan out my day. You can pour into yourself by choosing you. What does choosing you look like? Well, it looks like putting you first. Putting my mind, soul, spirit and body first. It maybe you not always being available when someone has a problem or is in need. It could look like setting aside time to focus on you and what you like to do. That could range from exercising to sleeping! That could just be you laying on the couch catching up on your favorite shows.

I believe it is important for us to be the light for others, but more importantly we need to be the light for ourselves. That way we can continue to pour into others. In Luke 6:31 (NIV) it states Do to others as you would have them do to you. When I think about this scripture and how it pertains to what I’m talking about. I think about how I want everyone that I pour into receives the best of me because everything that people pour into me, I want it to be from their best. I want to pour the best of me into my marriage so I can receive the best of my husband. I want to pour the best of me into my parenting so I can get the best of my daughter. I want to be the best version of me so I can receive the best version of others. Have you ever had someone halfway do something for you? Do you remember how that made you feel? I don’t want to halfway show for my family and friends. I want to be the best me. I want my light to shine brightly so I can share that light with others. In turns, I want your light to shine bright for you! So, you can be the best version of yourself for you then you can turn and be the best for others.


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