Become The Blessing
Growing up I often felt like I had no one in my corner. Between all the foster homes I was shuffled through and the many case workers I went through; there was no one who was truly for me. No one I could talk to about the challenges I faced, how I felt or even the victories I had! I didn’t have that person I could go to when I just needed a shoulder to cry on or when I found myself in a financial bind. I didn’t have that person who I felt was my safe space. I never had a consist person I was able to call and consider a true blessing in my life. You know that person you think about and consider that if it wasn’t for them, you wouldn’t be where you are today. In my childhood this did not exist for me.
Now in my adult years I understand the importance of relationships and how they can be a blessing even when you don’t realize it. The Lord has blessed me with several relationship I consider, if it had not been for them. People I can go to during my most challenging times and people I can go to during my most victorious times. Seeing how these people have blessed me I was determined to be the blessing to someone else. I wanted to be the blessing that I once needed and didn’t have. Relationships are important. The wrong relationship(s) can jeopardize your entire life, but the right relationship(s); the relationship(s) that are a blessing to us can exceed and excel us into our destiny. I want to encourage you to examine the relationship(s) in your life. Which of those relationship(s) are blessing you. Which of those relationships are building you up and encouraging? Now, think about those relationship(s) in which you are the blessing. The relationship(s) where you are building up and encouraging someone. Doesn’t it feel good to be able to be considered a blessing?
If you can’t pinpoint which relationship(s), you are the blessing in. The relationship(s) you add value to. Then I want you to know it’s not too late to start. How do you become a blessing? The biggest way to become a blessing is allowing the light you were created to be shine brightly!! Your shine can start with a simple good morning when you pass someone in the office or store. It can start with holding the door open for someone. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. It’s the simple things that people notice and make people smile. The bible states in Genesis 12:2 “And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing”. Did you get the end part of that scripture? It says you shall be a blessing. Blessings aren’t always financial. Sometimes being a blessing simply means sitting there being a listening ear. Being the voice of encouragement. Blessings can present itself in many forms. I pray that God will increase you and send people in your life that can be a true blessing to you, but also that you come the blessing that someone needs. Let your light shine bright!