Introduction: Living With a Dim Light.

WHO AM I? That is a question I didn’t know for YEARS of my life.

 Let’s start from the beginning…my story…my side. I remember the day my life changed forever…I was around 6 years old in elementary school when my life was turned upside down. In the blink of an eye everything that I had ever known was changing so rapidly and my 6 year old mind couldn’t process it. What I thought would be a few months turned out to be my entire childhood. I was taken from my parents while I was at school and became a ward of the state. I entered into what would be my new normal. I was now in foster care and it would be my story for the next 12 years. During those 12 years there was a lot of tears, heartbreaks, fears, trust issues, physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse and confusion (just to name a few). This is the era in which I would describe as living with a dim light on the inside of me. I had no hopes or dreams. I was living to survive each day. Surviving the pain of abandonment and neglect. The feeling of not being wanted. Surviving the physical, mental and sexual abuse. I was in survivor mode! 

 Now fast-forwarding to the present day. Who am I? Well, that is a question I can answer boldly and with full confidence. I am a CHILD OF GOD! I am a woman of virtue. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am an overcomer. I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a daughter. I am an aunt. I am a friend. I am an entrepreneur. I am the founder and owner of Believe Only Events and Designs, LLC. ( and the co-owner of Bruce Fitzgerald Solutions (, with my husband. I am loved. I am not defined by what I have been through or what has happened to me. I am a new creation in Christ! The light in my life is brighter than it has ever been and it grows daily. The same light that was dim inside of me is now lighting up the light in others. Our lights can give people hope. We are the light that our families, our coworkers, our friends and even strangers need. Matthew 5:14 (Amp) tells us You are the light of [Christ to] the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Decide to be the light in someone's life today! Light Up Their World!!!   


God’s Will Over My Fears